Saturday, January 14, 2006

Best books EVER

So I was pretty bored one day (you can guess where I was), and I decided to create one of those Listmania lists on Amazon. It's called List for Lit Lovers, and I would point you to it except that I don't know how Amazon assigns their damn lists to searches, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Anyway, that got me thinking about my all-time favorite books. (Can you feel another list coming? Yes, you can!) So forthwith, here is a list of my top ten favorite books ever.

1) This is a toughie. It could be about a 4-way tie but that's wimping out. So the first book that comes to mind when I say "my favorite book" is always Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, probably because it's the first book I totally identified with as a plain, lonely teenager who had never had a date. I've since re-read it about a bazillion times, and while I identify with Jane a little less now, I have to give it props for sparking my love affair with 19th century British literature.

2) I think this one goes to The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler. This was the first Anne Tyler book I ever read, and she's since become one of my favorite authors (if not the favorite). It's funny, sad, poignant. If you've never read an Anne Tyler book, I suggest starting with this one.

3) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Everyone has read this so I don't really feel much more explanation is necessary, although I will say that if the last time you read this was in ninth grade, you should consider picking it up again. It only gets funnier (and at the same time, more tragic) reading it as an adult.

4) Oh, how to choose. I'm going to go with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen here. Sense and Sensibility may be the better book, but as far as favorites go it's definintely gotta be P & P. Elizabeth, Darcy, the Regency's got everything.

5) Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding. This is where my snooty, high-falutin' English major facade breaks down. I'm sorry, it's just hilarious, OK?

My brain is getting tired now, so I'll finish the rest later on. (Plus I also need to go home and look at my bookshelf to refresh my memory on the books I've read). Stay tuned.

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