Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Well garsh

OK, I apologize for the shitty updating as of late. I know I've been slacking off, and I'm sorry. In other news, the move went well, if we are defining "well" to mean that no one was killed or seriously injured during the process or aftermath of moving, and the majority of our belongings made it across the parking lot without severe damage. If we define "well" to mean that all in all, we feel better for having moved and are satisfied with our new apartment and believe the effort of moving was in fact worthwhile, then no, the move did not go well at all. I guess it depends if you're in a glass-half-empty or half-full kind of mood.

Speaking of everything in my life totally sucking, I bought a $110 sandwich last night, and I have to say, it wasn't really worth it. I purchased said $110 sandwich because the BF and I decided, in a moment of wanton hedonism, to drive to the local Quiznos for dinner (yeah, we live the high life). Upon arriving at Quiznos, we had the sheer brazeness, the nerve, the big hairy cajones, to throw caution to the wind and good sense out the window; to park in the entirely-empty-but-for-us parking lot we naively assumed had been paved and painted expressly for the use of the customers of the three businesses located in the building for which the parking lot had seemingly been built.

Oh, how wrong we were. As it turns out, only TWO of the parking spaces in this completely empty lot were intended for use by Quiznos customers, and we being the obviously slapdash sloppy-vehicle-parking dunderheads we are, failed to realize this, and accidentally parked in a space designated for one of the other businesses which were closed by that time in the evening.

And by now I'm sure you can all guess where this is going. Yep, my car was towed. In the ten minutes it took to order and pay for a Turkey Lite and Turkey Ranch and Swiss, the thing was gone like whisper in the night. After much bitching and yelling and threats of litigation on the part of BF, we managed to locate the car and get it back, but we did not manage to retain our appetites for the fucking lousy sandwiches that caused all the trouble in the first place. And let me tell you something else: this type of thing is called predatory towing, my friends, and it is illegal. So, if ever you are tempted to park in the Quiznos parking lot in Arlington, VA, be warned! And also the name of the towing company was something like Advanced Towing, and they are shitheads. That's my PSA for the evening.

Anyway, in conclusion, we had to pay a taxi to take us to the towing place ($10), then another $100 to get the car. By this time of course we were furious and anxious and generally fed up with the world, and the god damn sandwiches were bloody cold and soggy by the time we were able to eat them. So the moral of this story: if you come home from work some random day and are kind of tired and don't feel like making dinner and decide on a whim to go eat at a restaurant, you better sure as hell shake off the exhaustion and WALK THERE because laziness will cost you. Big time.

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