Saturday, June 03, 2006

I'm back, bitches!

Or will be soon, anyway. That's right, I'm going back to the Northwest for a short vacay in less than a week and I can't wait. Unfortunately life has been pretty much same ol' same ol' for the past few weeks, with the exception of the sudden arrival of ass-sucking humidity and heat, which is what we here in the South like to refer to as Summer. I had forgotten how disgusting the humidity here can be, although I vaguely remember describing it at length in this very forum; I figure it's sort of like childbirth in that it's the kind of pain that makes you want to kill yourself at the time, and yet a few months later it's only a hazy memory. So the point is, I'm looking forward to ten days in the NW sans humidity and possibly sans heat as well. Yay rain and mild conditions! You can expect a full report when I get back, although I can't say we'll be doing anything too exciting - much of the time will be spent driving a rental car back and forth between Oregon and Washington. Which is fine - yay anything that's not the Beltway! (Not that I would know since I don't drive around here, but I hear it's hellish.)

Other items of business:

The BF and I have become obsessed, along with the rest of North America, with Lost. Only we just now started watching, so we've only made it through the first season and are having a hell of a time trying to NOT hear what went on in the second season finale. (Please just tell me that the blond bitch whose name I cannot even remember but who slept with her step brother either dies, or Sayid comes to his senses and realizes that he is a hot Iraqi who could have any woman on the island, and Step-Brother Whore is a herpes-ridden skank who cannot act? Please?) But we plowed through all the episodes in season one in about two weeks, so no doubt we'll be caught up pretty quick, and then we'll be forced to watch each new episode in agonizing week-by-week one-hour spurts with commercials, which will not be cool. I have a feeling we'll just wait it out until season three is on DVD. We're not really ones for appointment television (when will we get a TiVo? when? nobody knows...), excepting, of course, the Simpsons.

And the TiVo thing brings me to the next item of business, which is really more of a question: has anyone else noticed that somewhere in the last two years television programming suddenly and inexplicably got exponentially better, better even than the current Hollywood dreck in movie theatres? In the past few months there have been very few movies I've felt like shelling out cash to see, yet there are so many TV series that I want to watch. I just wish watching TV could be more like a movie experience, because 1) I hate being at home and 2) I hate commercials. And 3) I hate being one of those losers who says, "I have to be home by 8:00 so I can watch the next episode of America's Top Home-Makeover Idol." As explained in no. 1 above, I don't like having to be home, ever, and I don't need that kind of stress in my life.

What else, as long as I'm boring the bejesus out of everyone? Last weekend BF and I went around to bookstores in DC and found a used bookstore that was selling a selection of hardback books for $4 each, or 6 for $20. Naturally, we being the shrewd business people we are, went for the 6 for $20 deal. So now I'm reading Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, who sounds like a boy but is really a girl. I'm only a few pages in, so can't really explicate on it yet, but am continuing in my Reading-Lite vein. Oh well, I'm a moron. So shoot me.

OK. That's it. If any friends or well-wishers would like to get together with me while I'm in the Seattle/Tacoma area, send me an email so we can plan and/or so I can give you my cell phone number (yes, I finally bought a cell phone).

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