Saturday, February 10, 2007

Notes on a birthday

1. You know you're getting old when three drinks spaced evenly throughout the night and accompanied by copious amounts of food put you down for the count for the entire next day. The BF took me to a swanky restaurant in DC Thursday evening, where we rubbed elbows with a lot of old white men in business suits, some of whom may or may not have been congressmen. I'm pretty sure the couple at the table next to us were having an adulterous affair, as I kept hearing the woman refer to "your wife"--example:"Your wife doesn't pay attention to you." Not that it's any of my business, I'm just saying.

2. Apparently at swanky restaurants, an air of bewilderment can be mistinterpreted as an air of snooty disdain, for future reference. The BF and I went to have drinks in the bar while we waited for a table, and the BF felt it was incumbant upon him to order a whiskey so as to appear manly. When the bartender set the cocktail glass filled almost to the top on the bar, BF hesistated, eyeing the glass and thinking to himself, "Holy shit, that's a lotta whiskey." The bartender, however, interpreted this look to mean, "You call that a fucking whiskey, man!" and hastily filled the glass completely to the brim.

3. I only tripped over, and thus unplugged, one lamp during the course of the evening, thus appearing only minorly foolish.

4. I am now Queen of the Land of Hypocrisy. You know how a couple posts back I said I would never own an iPod? Yeah, well, I lied. The BF's parents generously bought me an iPod Nano for my birthday, in hot pink no less. I plan to fully enjoy the fruits of The Man, once I figure out how to put music on it.

5. My dentist is one month older than me. This alarms me a little. I would like my dentist to have some years of experience and malpractice insurance under his belt, not say things to me like, "Don't worry, 30 is the new 20!" By the way, it turns out that I didn't really break my tooth off, it was just my crown that fell off. It only seemed as though my tooth had broken because there is only a tiny shell of a tooth left after the root canal. Still, I feel like I need more calcium in my diet.

Thanks to everyone for sending along birthday wishes - my friends rock!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd no idea that 30 is the new 20. What does that make 36? The new 26? Also, nice way to score some extra whiskEy (which we spell w/an "e" here in the free world...aka Canada).

Glad for your 30th - best day of my life was turning 30. You leave all that 20-something angst behind. And realizing that people your age are running the world, and fixing crowns, is just part of it (they're also fixing our cars, teaching our children, and selling us life insurance)!

I think this idea is partly stolen from Atwood - who driveled on in Cat's Eye about her moment of realization that people her age, with similar frailties and insecurities, were running the world...and how she could believe in these folks when they were older, but not when SHE was one of them.

Anyway, it was a great quote, but I can't come up with a reasonable paraphrase here. SO, another is: "Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." This is how I feel most of the time. So, dearest, welcome to the other side of 30!
