Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tomorrow I'm 30. hurray.

I'm feeling like a ginormous tard (turd?), for the above-stated reason, among others. For one, it appears that my hastily dashed-off and really quite stupid post on Mr. Rochester, which of course I didn't expect anyone to read because I wasn't aware anyone actually read my blog, has been linked to and read by people unbeknownst to myself. Yikes. Why must I always make a giant ass of myself in a public forum? On the other hand, at least people are finally leaving comments.

In other news, to celebrate my third decade of being I am going to: go to my cycling class, meet my co-workers for lunch, go to work, come home, and go out to dinner with the BF. The other option was to lie in bed all day eating chocolates, which is suddenly seeming like the better choice. Then again, nothing says I'M THIRTY like doing the same damn thing you do every day of your life. Ah, routine.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Also, as this is your blog, you are quite entitled to think that Toby Stephens is the embodiment of all Rochesteriness. I just prefer a gruffer, crustier exterior for my Rochester; it makes the sweetness that sweeter.

Perhaps Masterpiece Theatre will consider a Rochester wrestling match with potential candidates. Rraowr!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from some Vancouver friends! I think people are saying that 30 is the new 20 now...

Hope you had a fun day!

D & H