Tuesday, October 10, 2006

And so it is done.

I gave my two weeks' notice today - next Friday will be my last day at the Job From Hell. I still haven't gotten an official offer from my previous employers, but have been assured it will be forthcoming. I gave my notice now because last Friday was a hideous day - crazies yelling at me, stupid people trying to use the Internets (one woman asked me, when the computers automatically logged off at the end of the day, if she could use my computer to close out of her email account), and homeless galore, who stayed right until the dot of closing, then left all their newspapers, books, magazines, and various shit on the tables for me to pick up. So I decided enough was enough. I still don't know if this is a good move or a bad move; I'm happy to be going back to someplace where people care about me, but on the other hand I feel like a big loser - who goes through the pointless tediousness of getting an MLS just to work as a paraprofessional?


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