Sunday, October 15, 2006

A pointless post in which I really don't say much of anything

So now that my life is on a relatively even keel, I find I have very little to blog about. That's why I should probably buy No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for a Blog, but it cost $20 at Barnes and Noble, so I just flipped through it at the store instead. And of course now I can't really remember any of the ideas that were in it, so I'll just rip one off from Dooce.

This idea is to talk about your dealbreakers in regards to dating. Well, guess what. Apparently I have no deal breakers, because I'm still dating my first boyfriend. Before you start thinking I'm some creepy person who is still dating their high school sweetheart at the age of 29, let me assure you that I didn't meet the BF until I was 22 and in my last semester of college. How did it come to pass that someone as cool as me didn't have a boyfriend until the ripe old age of 22, you ask? Well, it is tragic, but I chalk it up to a unique combination of painful shyness as a teenager+basic Catholic fear of the opposite sex, based mainly on the larger Catholic fear of getting pregnant out of wedlock+a bad case of acne+a crushing inferiority complex. All of those have pretty much cleared up now, except for the acne.

Anyway. If I was single and back in the dating world, I think these might be my dealbreakers (patrons and staff at the library where I work, please take note):

1. Drunkenness.
2. Calling me honey, baby, sweetie, or gorgeous before we've even been so much as properly introduced.
3. Leering at me in a disgusting manner while drunk, high, or stinky, and muttering obscene remarks under your breath as I walk by.
4. Body odor.

But maybe I'm just picky.

Well, to change the subject completely, I saw The Queen last night and really enjoyed it. It's one of those movies that won't really change the world, but the great acting and interesting point of view made it quite enjoyable just the same. Also, I just finished a really intriguing book called Gilgamesh by Joan London (not the Joan Lundon of Good Morning America fame). The writing was excellent - tight, sparse, clean prose. I expect she will win the Booker or Orange prize one of these days (I say, acting all like I know what I'm talking about). But really, an excellent book - check it out. Now I'm on to The Night Watch by Sarah Waters, which was short-listed for the Booker, but I haven't gotten far enough to know how it'll be. Maybe after that I'll start on Bleak House.

Speaking of writing, I'm gearing up to participate in NaNoWriMo once again this November (National Novel Writing Month). I did it last year (don't remember if I publicized that fact) and churned out what can only be described as a piece of shit. However, try, try again, right? I really do want to get back into writing again, which I know is what I always say, but maybe I'll actually do it this time. I just need some discipline.

Anyway, I'll post again when either a) something noteworthy happens, which, it being my last week at the job from hell, is entirely likely given my patrons' penchants for having psychotic episodes and/or exposing themselves OR b) I start my new job, which begins Saturday, the day following my last day in Hell.

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