Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Elementary, my dear Watson

So I went to the doctor on Monday. His genius diagnosis:--wait for it--my right leg is weak. BRILLIANT DEDUCTION, HOLMES! Thank God I went to a trained physician, I never would have been able to come up with that on my own! I can see those four years in medical school really paid off.

However, the physical therapist I went to see this morning was much more enlightening (the same physical therapist, who, by the way, does not have an M.D.). He explained what he thinks the problem is, which made a lot of sense to me, and showed me a bunch of things I can do help strengthen the muscles and tendons and shiznit in my leg. So yay for physical therapists--I may just start going to physical therapists for all my medical needs.

Anyhoo. That's basically all the news I have to report. I'm hoping to have my filthy crapfest of a novel "finished" by tonight, which means I should have a very neat little icon to put on my blog soon that says I'm a proud winner of NaNoWriMo. Be on the look-out.

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