Sunday, June 10, 2007

Forgot to mention...

I had a phone interview for a position in Olympia, WA, on Friday. While it didn't go too grotesquely awry, my hatred for phone interviews continues unabated. Nothing says "I'm your top candidate!" like awkward, blaring silences. And apparently my interview skills have improved zero percent in the past two years, since I still seem unable to BS my way through questions that throw me off balance. "Ummm..." just doesn't wow people the way I think it should.

Also, we tried unsuccessfully to rid ourselves of the automobile this weekend. We took it to Carmax and I told myself I was being reasonable to expect around $800, and really tried hard not to hope for more, even though I continued to have fantasies about getting an offer of $900, or even $1000. Because let's face it, this is no luxury vehicle we're talking about. It's about one step above a rickshaw, actually. But I have to say I died a little inside when the offer came back at--wait for it--$250. Uh. What? As BF pointed out, we could probably sell it for scrap metal and get more than that. So Carmax can kiss my ass. On to Plan B--pawning it off on an unwary stranger sometime in the next two weeks.

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