Monday, June 11, 2007


I've just been looking around BookSwim (see below) and that is my official assessment: meh. First of all, their cheapest plan is $23.99 a month, which is 3 books at a time. You know what? I'm willing to take the extra 30 minutes out of my day to drive/walk/metro to the public library to avoid having to pay $24 bucks a month for my books. And the sad thing is, I very rarely read more than 3 books in one month anyway--in fact, I'd go out on a limb and say I NEVER read more than that. I'm too busy watching my Netflix DVDs.

Also, their searching mechanism sucks. I did a search for Pride and Prejudice and the actual book, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, did not show up anywhere within the first two pages of results. And when I browsed through their "British" books, the first two results were by American authors, A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut and The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Dude, hire new indexers. Books by Hemingway and Augusten Burroughs also show up in the top ten "British" books.

So browse their web site and decide for yourself, but unless you're stuck somewhere without a public library, I would say skip it for now. To be fair, BookSwim is still in beta, but I say it's probably not worth trying till the kinks get worked out.

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