Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A post with curiously religious overtones

So I've been reading more of 'Lolita' - I'm almost finished now, actually - and I have changed my mind about the book. No, it's still about a pedophile, but I've decided that Nabokov is writing a social satire of 1950s America, an era in which girls and young women were encouraged, practically forced, to become nothing but sexual objects subservient to men. Thus the premise that the narrator and aforementioned pedophile, Humbert Humbert, is given every break in the world in order to have his disgusting way with Lolita - not to give too much away (I know you're all going to rush right out to read it), but through certain circumstances Humbert actually becomes Lolita's guardian. At least, I think that's what Nabokov is getting at, but as I said, I never was very good at the critical analysis. Anyway, it's the only interpretation that makes any sense to me, but I'm going to be a good little reader and find some more criticism to read once I'm through with the book. I'll be sure to let you all know what I find out.

So, how is Fall treating you all? Fall is treating me very poorly, as it has not yet arrived here, and once again I fear it is never going to arrive, but will instead go straight to Winter sometime in December. (And yes, I know seasons aren't supposed to be capitalized but it reads better.) It is still shorts weather here, with a predicted high of 80 degrees tomorrow. In case I haven't mentioned it enough, I HATE IT HERE. Sorry, I just had to get it out of my system. At least I've learned one very important thing about myself, which is that I enjoy experiencing all four seasons as God intended - on the northern hemisphere, in a place where the weather is mild and non-sticky.

In other news, has everyone heard the talk about Ben Affleck running for senator of Virginia? God help us all.

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