Tuesday, October 18, 2005

She lives!

Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive. Alive and kicking, some might say. Actually, probably just alive. Well, you know how I hate to beat a dead horse. But. And I swear this is absolutely the last thing I will say on the subject - October 18. High of 78 (so let's say 25 for those of the Celsius persuasion). Just let those two concepts marinate for a moment. Now I know that technically Virginia is considered the South, but come on - I barely live in Virginia; it's practically Maryland, for God's sake. And yet I am forced to put up with this literally hellish weather.

OK, that's it. Will not mention the heat again.

Oh yeah, The Office, American style. Not as good as the British one, I'm afraid to say. For one thing, The Office was, is, and always will be Ricky Gervais. Steve Carell is good, but he just doesn't have the frenetic energy of Gervais, which is basically what made the show. And the other problem, aside from the fact that if you've seen the British version you already know most of the story lines, which in at least the first two episodes are almost verbatim the B-version, is the fact that you are always aware this is just a TV show. In the British version, the uncomfortable silences and awkwardness of the actors were so real that you really felt this office existed somewhere and was being filmed. And finally, all the actors in the American version are just too damn good-looking. Even the unattractive people are still attractive - maybe it has to do with the lighting or the make-up, but whatever it is they still come across as TV-ugly, rather than ugly ugly. Not to say that the British actors are ugly, but they are just unattractive enough to look like real people. Also, British accents will always be funnier (to Americans) than American accents. That's just the way it is.


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