Friday, March 03, 2006

look at me i'm outraged

Well folks, The Man has finally beaten me down. I know that I should be all fired up and ready to kick some pro-life ass over the recent developments in this country o' mine, and yet, I just can't really get up the energy. Which is weird, because lack of anger is usually not a problem I have. I mean, there is some outrage swimming there under the surface - I sigh heavily whenever I see pro-life ads on the subway (and where are the pro-choice ads? Come on, NARAL, let's get on the ball, shall we?). But I'm sort of at the point where I'm just throwing up my hands and saying, "You know what, right wing nutjobbers? Do your fucking worst, because I just can't be bothered anymore. I'm too tired. Just do your thing, wreck the country for us and for our grandchildren, and be done with it. Let me get some sleep." Maybe my mind is just subconsciously resting itself for the big fight ahead in the next couple of years, I don't know.

Here's some depressing links for more on this topic, in case you aren't already depressed enough about your [potential loss of ] reproductive rights:

Post article about correlation between loss of funding for birth control and unintended pregnancies (gee, ya think?!?)

Editorial by former FDA big-wig Susan Wood about the politics behind Plan B

Just ran into this while looking for some good links:

South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds' address, so that you can send him vehement letters of protest:

Office of the Governor
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501

The poster said that S.D. is worried about potential loss of tourism because of this bill, so if you write be sure to emphasize that you will never set foot in S.D. if this bill becomes law. (Not that you would anyway, but he doesn't know that).

1 comment:

Samurai Librarian said...

The folks over at Boing Boing had an interesting comment on this (link).

They point to a bunch of interesting stuff that's sure to engender debate: See this, this and this.