Sunday, March 19, 2006

My neighborhood, part II

Welcome back to the walking tour of my neighborhood in Arlington. This is the Arlington County Courthouse, after which the neighborhood has been named. I quite like it because it doesn't look so much like a courthouse, whereas pretty much all the other architecture in this region resembles nothing but courthouses. That brick building you see in the distance is my apartment building.

This is the neighborhood Ben and Jerry's. To my credit, I have only been there twice. However, I have partaken of their product in pint form numerous times, so it is a hollow victory.

This is one of several construction projects going on in and around my neighborhood. They are freaking annoying, but I rest easy with the knowledge that the last laugh will be mine, since the condo market will soon be flooded and they'll be selling these puppies for a lot less than the current asking price. Hehe. I may have forgotten to mention that my apartment building is being turned into condos, thus the reason we are moving to a different building. The asking price for our current one bedroom, 805 sq. foot apartment with no view to speak of? $420,000. And no, I didn't add an extra zero by mistake. Join me in a hearty guffaw, won't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, all I can say regarding the $420,000 for your former apartment is THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!! Makes sense though in Arlington, VA-- seems like it is not uncommon there to turn buildings from one thing into something else-- last time I stayed in Arlington we were in a hotel that used to be apartments. And the courthouses?? They probably were courthouses!