Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oh, there it is!

I rediscovered my moral outrage upon reading yesterday that the governor of South Dakota, the woman-hating bastard, went ahead and signed the abortion ban into law. It will stay tied up in court for years and will I'm sure inevitably end up before the Supreme Court, causing a revisit of Roe v. Wade. I'm sorry, but wasn't this issue ALREADY DECIDED THREE DECADES AGO?!?

OK. I'm done for now. I thought the years-long struggle (some may say centuries-long) for women's rights was nearing closure of some sort, but I guess I was wrong. Everything our mothers (OK, not my mother, the self-righteous anti-abortion Catholic who got married at the age of 19, but other people's mothers), fought for may be obliterated. It just makes me so sad.

OK, now I'm done for reals. I keep making resolutions with myself that I'm going to update the blog on a more regular basis, but then by the time I get home from work I'm so tired that I cannot think of one single interesting thing to say, and if I even turn my computer on it is only in order to watch a DVD. But I've had an idea for some time to take my 2.5 readers on a walking tour of my neighborhood here in Arlington, and last weekend I finally got around to taking the requisite photos. Now I just need to edit them, which is apparently more difficult than I had anticipated, since BF is not around to baby me through it. *Sigh* But I swear it will be coming soon.

On a happy note, we're supposed to have temperatures in the 60s here for the next few days, which I realize is not happy for anyone but me. Now if only I didn't have to drag my ass to work every day.

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