Friday, February 17, 2006

The big black hole of despair, and other uninteresting musings

Is it wrong of me to be grumpy because the person who interviewed me for the Job I Did Not Get called this afternoon and left a message for ME to call HIM back? What is that conversation going to be like? (BTW, I found out I did not get the job through both a process of elimination and through a connection who works at the library who told me point blank that I did not get the job. The call I received today was supposed to be the formal rejection.) First of all, only once in my ten months of job searching has anyone ever made a personal phone call to reject me, and that was only because they wanted to ask if I would like to be considered for the same position at other libraries in the system (it was that lame 6 hours-a-week-on-Sundays job). Now, I know almost certainly for a fact that this man will not be asking me if I'm interested in another position. I actually need to call this guy back so he can tell me I didn't get the job? What is the protocol here? How awkward is that going to be? Here's what I think the call will sound like:

ME: Hi, this is So and So. I'm returning your phone call from this afternoon.

HIM: Oh hi, So and So. I just wanted to let you know that you didn't get the job.

ME: Um, OK. Thanks...I guess.

HIM: (Awkard pause). Well, have a good day!


I mean, who wants to go there? Why would someone want to subject themselves to that, on either end? Why did he not just leave a message, or better yet, not call me at all and just send an impersonal letter like everyone else? Because the thing is, he made it very clear to me, and I assume to the other people he interviewed, that if we were the top candidate, we would have heard back by a certain date. That date has passed (and also I have concrete confirmation from my inside source, but that's beside the point). The point is, those of us who did not get the job are all well aware that we did not get the job. So why add salt to the wound by MAKING US CALL HIM BACK so he can tell us we didn't get the job? I don't get it.

BOO. Plus, to add to my general depression I just found out today that my Plan B --becoming a permanent resident in Canada-- isn't going to work because it costs a buttload of money, to the tune of $10,000 CD. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am so frustrated and irritated and just plain hopeless right now. So yeah. Happy Friday.

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