Saturday, March 25, 2006

Links 'n' Things

Hi y'all (that's my nod to my current place of residence),

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile - as my life continues to be as dull as a cardboard box it becomes more difficult to come up with witty blog entries. So, first things first - I haven't heard back about that fabulous interview I had. Yes, it's now been two weeks. Yes, things look bleak. I'm not going to write it off completely for a few more days, although I get the distinct feeling I'm just kidding myself. Oh well. As time wore on between the giddy interview day and, well, today, I started to second-guess myself and began to think (perhaps correctly?) that maybe the reason the interview went so well was because the interview panel already knew who they were going to hire (not me) - thus their breezy, carefree manner and utter lack of gravity. This would explain why the interview went so quickly (about 30 minutes), and why they didn't grill me on my skills or experience. Or I could just be paranoid. Whatever. As soon as I hear anything, I will post.

So many interesting things in the news lately...Props go out to Cecilia Fire Thunder for saying that she would open a Planned Parenthood clinic on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, where she is president. Unfortunately, PP has said they have no plans to build a clinic there, but hey, she tried - Fire Thunder asserts that the reservation is autonomous from the South Dakota state government and thus the state's abortion ban would have no legal footing there. (Link to BoingBoing post here.) I think this is great - go President Fire Thunder! (And really, could there be a better name for a president?)

This is an interesting point of view on the whole pro-life agenda. And here's a great cartoon about Bill Napoli and womens' ability to make their own decisions.

And President Bush has unofficially declared himself Herr Commandant Lord Chancellor on High of the Universe, forgetting, as he is wont to do, that as an American citizen he is obligated to follow ALL laws passed by Congress, not just the ones he likes.

Ok, that about wraps it up for what I have to say today. Should anything interesting happen in my life, I'll let you all know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Since the BS happening in South Dakota seems to be a common source of outrage, here's an article to help articulate these feelings titled "F#@% South Dakota":