Sunday, September 25, 2005

And another thing

You can see photos of the protest at Washington Post under the headline Antiwar Fervor Fills D.C. (click on the Photos: Weekend Protest link). I stupidly didn't bring my own camera. I didn't stay for the concert, as was I was tired, hungry, and had to pee; also, I was by myself and didn't really fancy going to a concert alone. But I did hear a lot of the speakers before the march, including Jesse Jackson and Cindy Sheehan, who were both wonderful, articulate, and pissed off. The only downside to the whole thing was that there were a lot of different factions with their own agendas regarding Cuba, Palestine, Hurricane Katrina, what have you, and I felt that detracted from the overall message. Needless to say, I did not participate in the 'Long live the Intifada!' chant. But still, it was a good time.

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