Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What's this 8 hours a day crap?

I'm too tired to say much right now, except that the new job is going OK so far. It's kind of boring, and definitely not a professional position...I see lots of projects I could do, but I have to be careful not to step on any toes since I'm not officially a librarian here. I haven't really even encountered any reference questions so far - mostly people just want to know if we have a certain book, or come by to pick up ILL orders or print outs. The hardest part for me is remembering all the little details since I was never a library assistant so I never had to do the whole "front desk" thing. Bleah. Six months, six months, six months is what I keep repeating to myself. Tomorrow is the dreaded 2-10 pm shift. And I have to work this Saturday - 6 days in a row my first week, yippee!

Oh Jesus. I don't know if I'm gonna make it.

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