Saturday, September 10, 2005

Quote of the day

From an editorial by Mark Morford in

'Then you read that Bush has actually ordered an official probe into the botched Katrina relief efforts, a formal federal investigation into what went wrong, which is a bit like a shark ordering an investigation into what happened to all the fish.'

The editorial is full of more wonderful zingers like that, if you care to read it. And lest you think I am actually all hip and up on my current affairs, all the articles I talk about are forwarded to me by other people, usually the BF. This piece was actually sent to him by a friend of his. Isn't it great the way the progressive community is bound together by intense hatred?

As for my little break down of the other day - bygones. I'm over it. Onward and upward. Bring on the mind fuck!

I have been feeling curiously un-nervous regarding my first day of work on Monday. The main thing I'm worried about at the moment is finding time to work out, what with the screwy schedule I'll be having. It's beginning to appear that I may have to (gasp! choke!) start running or some shit like that. Blast it! As far as I know, there aren't even many good places to run around here, so that means running on a treadmill (can't and won't do Stairmaster or any other machines anymore, no way no how.) I realize that everyone is fascinated by the specifics of my work out routine, but moving on.

I just finished reading 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,' and as one of the two people who actually enjoyed the movie (the other being BF), I have to say that I didn't think the book was all that. I mean, yeah, it was funny and whatever, but it wasn't THAT funny. But it was alright, I guess. I was just expecting more since everyone poo-poohed the movie as being so much worse than the book. In all fairness to both sides, I believe the movie incorporated more of the books in the trilogy that just the first. I may or may not read the other books in the series, I haven't decided yet.

I'm now about half-way through Jane Fonda's autobiography, 'My Life So Far,' despite BF's derision. I'm actually finding it quite interesting, but then I am fascinated by celebrities' personal lives, so there you go. I've just gotten to the part where she visists North Vietnam, so I'm about to find out what the 'Hanoi Jane' stuff is all about. I know that this story is obviously very one-sided, but it appears that she has been viciously maligned by people who have twisted the facts to suit their own agendas (gee, when has THAT ever happened before?).

Well, talk to you next time. (Don't let me forget, one of these days I must remember to bore my readers with my opinions about Hillary running for president.)

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