Monday, September 05, 2005

O Canada...

A few things. First, if Chief Justice Roberts (we all know he will be confirmed) allows Roe v. Wade to be overturned, I am moving to Canada and I will not look back. As soon as I get citizenship, I will never admit that I was once an American, and I will deny all ties to this country. The accent needs working on, but I think I can pull it off. I refuse, REFUSE to be involved in a nation where women are treated no better than breeding dogs. This is not so much a threat (since who cares if I move to Canada?), but rather it is a promise to myself. I realize that one woman moving out of the country doesn't really matter, but if we can galvanzie all the pro-choicers and all the gays to move too, then the U.S. will eventually degenerate into a backwater of inbred hillbillies and we can all go about our business and forget it ever existed. (Then Canada can invade and take over the land.)

Secondly, I realize that my last post seemed a little paranoid, and, well, stupid. I guess I wasn't thinking clearly. What I meant to say when I claimed that Bush 'orchestrated' the disaster in New Orleans was not that he himself conspired to make Hurricane Katrina hit the city, but that his administration's policies directly contributed to the poor preparation and response in the hurricane's aftermath. Also, I made the clearly bone-headed statement that I didn't know what Bush had up his sleeve in blaming FEMA for everything. Well, obviously he's going to blame FEMA in order to deflect blame from himself and his administration, which is silly, since FEMA is a federal agency and therefore directly Bush's responsibility. But then, Bush is a silly, silly man. If you interpret silly to mean souless bastard. Andrew Sullivan has a good article about the political fallout from all this in the Sunday Times, which I tried to link to but it isn't working so here's the URL:,,2089-1764115_1,00.html

In reference to the article, you know it's bad news when even your Republican apologists turn on you. (Notice, however, that Sullivan can't resist a little dig at Hillary and the democrats).

OK, that's all the time we have for today on Political Rage with your host Stephanie. Tune in next time when we talk about whether or not Hillary should run for president.

(I was also going to put in a quote from The Big Lebowski, but now I can't remember it so never mind.)

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