Friday, September 02, 2005

Mary Sunshine reporting

The BF and I were discussing how if Hurricane Katrina had blown through during Clinton's presidency, you can bet he would have been there in New Orleans from the very beginning (I just can't stay mad at the guy for long). Bush is supposed to be on his way there right now, with his big profound statement, 'This is not acceptable.' Of course, had his tax cuts not weakened FEMA's ability to react to natural disasters (as opposed to terrorist attacks, which have become its main focus since coming under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security) this whole thing probably wouldn't have gotten out of hand. As it is now, Bush will be able to blame everything on FEMA, thus further weakening it. What Bush gains from doing this I cannot fathom since I am no political science wiz, but I'm sure he's got something up his sleeve. Once again, a major fiasco orchestrated by Bush will leave him smelling like a rose. Also notice how Karl Rove's little illegal activities, as well as the 900 people who died in Iraq the other day, have completely fizzled out of the media's attention? I swear, it's like Bush somehow controls the weather.

Another thing I noticed is that the vast majority of people stuck in the middle of the flooding and the in the worst conditions were black. I feel race riots coming on.

Ah, good times. In other news, I'm thinking about selling my car, and just in the nick of time, since gas prices are now at $3.10 a gallon over here. I figured out that I will be spending as much as or more in car insurance in one year than my car is actually worth, not to mention maintenance costs and gas. BF and I both have the major American fear of not owning a car, but we're probably going to join a car-sharing program so will still have access to wheels. So, anyone want to buy my car? (You have to come out here to get it, though.)

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