Thursday, September 08, 2005

Things to ponder

Why does life constantly conspire to mind fuck me? I pose this question today because I received a phone call this afternoon, two days before I am set to start my new job, from the temp agency I had signed up with in July (who I had not heard ONE PEEP from in the interim), offering me a temp-to-hire job in what sounds like my dream position. Of course I've already signed a letter of acceptance at the other place and the Human Resources wheels have been in motion for two weeks, not to mention I'm not the kind of person who can call up an employer two days before I'm set to start and say 'Just kidding!'

Ugh. So I have to pass up what could be a kick-ass opportunity just because I already said yes to a sucky job in an hour of desperation. WHY DOES LIFE TREAT ME THIS WAY?!! It tends to make me believe that I always make the wrong decision, no matter what. It tends to make me pull my hair out. It tends to make me think I will always be stuck in the gutter, working my ass off for peanuts, while everyone else is enjoying the high life. That last sentence tends to make me wonder how many cliches I can cram into one sentence.

Anyway. I don't know, anyone have any words of wisdom for me?

Also, I'm glad to see that the herpes bloggers are big fans (see comment on last post). Man, I hope that was just spam.

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