Thursday, September 15, 2005

You should see this

Just a quick note to say that I saw 'The Constant Gardener' last week (shut up) and I think it was the best movie I've seen so far this year. I highly recommend it. The cast was excellent, and for once Rachel Weisz didn't irritate the crap out of me (she's too pretty for her own good). Very very excellent movie. Ralph Fiennes is in it, too, which is reason enough for any straight woman with a pulse to head directly to the nearest theatre. For the men, there's of course Rachel Weisz I guess, if you like that sort of thing.

Anyway, still trudging along at work. I'm not sure why I was hired, to tell the truth. I'm not being self-deprecating; what I mean is, I'm not sure why anyone was hired for another full-time position there, since there doesn't seem to be enough for everyone to do. But it's a paycheck, so whatever.

Gotta go to bed now, bye.

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