Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ah, my good friend Bitterness

I do NOT recommend going on three interviews in one week, especially not for three days in a row. This week was horrible - by Friday I was completely drained and fed up with the whole enterprise. I got my first job offer yesterday, but since they're only willing to pay $26k and want a commitment of six months to a year, they can keep their stinkin' job. The only reason I applied for it in the first place was so maybe I could work part-time until something better came through. So that interview was a colossal waste of time.

Then I had to go to a meeting for my volunteer work, which was another colossal waste of time - lasted about an hour longer than it needed to, and made me get home too late to go to my gym class. Also, I met my co-volunteer who turned out to be a total dildo and learned that the wanky spreadsheet we're supposed to be using for the project hasn't been made yet, so guess who's doing that? Good ol' me. I just figured the other guy was way too stupid to do anything right.

I also heard back from my Mary Thelen interview and turns out they want me to come in for a second round. I didn't blog about this one, but I did not get a very good feel from the woman who interviewed me. And a couple things insulted me about her process: a)she made me fill out an application form at the beginning of the interview, which basically repeated everything in my resume and made me feel like I was applying for a minimum wage job; b)once I had filled it out, she sat down and flipped through it for about five minutes, as though it was going to reveal something new about me (or as though she needed to remind herself who I was); c) the damn job only pays in the low 30s; d)the next round consists of 'skills testing' to make sure I haven't lied on my resume.

Rage building, building...

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