Thursday, August 25, 2005

No longer unemployed?

I had an interview scheduled for this afternoon for another one of those 6 hr/week, out-in-the-sticks positions, and have been thinking all day about the joys of doing 8 interviews in 4 weeks. I had my whole blog post sketched out in my mind - it even involved a witticism regarding Chee-tohs. Then, right before I was going to leave for the interview, I received a phone call from the $28K evenings/weekends place informing me that I was their 'top candidate' and would be receiving an offer pending reference and background checks. So, I did what any rational person would do in my financial position and basically indicated that I would accept the offer. Then I called the other library and cancelled my interview, which was supposed to take place in an hour. I felt really bad and unprofessional doing that, but on the other hand it's not like I would have been able to take a job there anyway, so why bother wasting their time? (Of course, had that position been more lucrative than the one I accepted, I would have gone to the interview anyway.)

I'm of two minds about the whole thing: I'm glad that this came when it did, because we all know how strapped for cash I am. However, I'm not at all happy about the hours or the pay and frankly am a little crushed that my first job out of library school is so much lower than my expectations (especially since my first job out of college was pretty much the same experience). I know I have to grin and bear it and can't be picky, but I had foolishly believed that by living in this area my opportunities would be so much better. In fact, in order to survive financially out here, I needed them to be better. I won't stop looking for other positions, but everybody knows how difficult it is to look for jobs while working full time.

So anyway, about this job: I just read an article about people who got fired for mentioning their workplaces in their blogs so I'm not going to say where it is specifically, but it's at a satellite/branch library that serves two universities that focus on professional programs. I will be working mainly with two other full-time employees, neither of whom are librarians or have library degrees. So it will be ironic that I, with the graduate degree, will be working below people who don't have the degree. Interesting twist of fate, no?

But alas, it is a job, and right when I really needed one, so I will count my blessings. And no, I won't be changing the name of the blog cuz I don't want to change the URL (don't want to confuse my vast readership, you see).

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