Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Utter despair

I wasn't going to write today because I am having a very bad day and wanted to punish the world by depriving it of my genius. Yeah. Also, I tried to punish the world by eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's (Phish Food, for the detail-oriented among you), but realized in time that I would only be punishing myself, and only ate half of it.

Basically, it has come to my attention that I am fucked seven ways from Sunday, financially speaking. The specter of packing my bags and moving in with my parents has been haunting me all day, and I'm not sure what to do about it. This is especially frightening because my parents are still camping in their RV in southern Oregon, and won't be going back home to Arizona until the end of October. Dear reader, if you happen to have a few thousand extra dollars lying around, I could really use it right about now.

Apparently the Librarian I position for which I had been called back for the second round of interviews will not be going to me, since I haven't heard anything about it in almost two weeks. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Profound despair now ensuing. Parents, who have now generously extended a second loan to me, are not even reachable by phone, and thus I would have to broach the delicate subject of my complete fuckage over email. Which I REALLY don't want to do.

Added to all this is the fact that the movie 'Junebug' still hasn't come out in theatres here, so not only am I drowning in self-pity, I'm bored as hell and don't even have any good movies to see. Has anyone seen '40 Year-Old Virgin' yet? Is it any good? I know I shouldn't be spending money on movies right now, but if I have to spend another evening holed up in my apartment watching Cold Case Files on A&E, things will get ugly.

I am so absorbed by my own problems right now I don't even care what asinine thing Pat Robertson is saying to ruin the country.

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