Monday, August 22, 2005


Another black day on the job-hunting front. I had an interview this morning for what most MLIS grads would consider a major step in the wrong direction - a 'library specialist' position paying $28k, working afternoon and evening shifts with rotating weekends. Pardon me while I vomit. This whole thing, as I have said time and again, is so enormously frustrating. On one hand, I can no longer afford not to take anything that is thrown my way. On the other hand...are you kidding me? $28K is only $3000 more than I made at my first job out of college. This is all just getting too surreal.

BTW, haven't heard back about that menial cataloging position; you know, the one where my resume was referred to as 'impressive' (for the first and probably only time)? And speaking about not hearing back, I haven't heard back about two positions for which I interviewed, one of them being the famous LIAR one. Obviously I realize I haven't gotten the job, but I would just like to have a reject letter so I can get some closure and move on with my life. Also so I can write them a snarky letter asking for my transcript back. Oh yeah, also never heard one peep about that first interview I had back in MAY - not even an email, which I find very unprofessional. Come on, folks, let's at least be mature about this. Stupid NASA, think they're so cool going into space and shit.

Well, I'm about one month away from throwing in the towel and applying for permanent residence in Canada. If this country won't have me, maybe another one will.

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